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Lab Grown Diamond Carat Guide

Lab Diamonds Carat Guide

Lab-grown diamonds are the cheaper and more ethically-sound substitutes for natural diamonds. 


Carat weight is the standard unit of measurement for diamonds. The term is derived from the Greek word karat, which means “fruit of the carob tree.” The carob tree is a native Mediterranean evergreen that produces brownish-red seeds.


It is often said that “one carat is equal to 0.2 grams”, but this is not always the case. One of the main concerns when it comes to lab grown diamonds is carat size. Consumers want to know that they are getting the same quality diamond for a fraction of the price, so carat size is an important factor in the decision-making process. 

In the blog post, we will explore how to understand carat weight and what it means for lab grown diamonds. We will also provide a guide on how to find the right carat weight for you, whether you’re looking for a solitaire diamond or a more extravagant piece.

What is a lab grown diamond?

A lab-grown diamond is created in a laboratory environment instead of being formed naturally on the Earth. Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds and are just as brilliant and durable. The main difference between lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds is how they are created.


Why buy a lab grown diamond?

If you’re considering a lab-grown diamond, you should keep a few things in mind. Here are four reasons why buying a lab grown diamond may be the right choice for you:

  1. Cost: Lab-grown diamonds cost up to 50% less than natural diamonds.
  2. Environmentally friendly: Lab-grown diamonds have a much smaller carbon footprint than natural diamonds.
  3. Ethically sourced: Lab-grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment, so you can be sure they are ethically sourced.
  4. Quality: Lab-grown diamonds are just as sparkly and beautiful as natural diamonds.


Carat sizes and prices of lab grown diamonds

Regarding carat size and price, lab-grown diamonds are more affordable than their natural counterparts because they are created in a controlled environment, which allows for more consistent quality and size.


The average price per carat of a lab-grown diamond is around $600 – $800, while the average price per carat of a natural diamond is $2,500. This means that a one-carat lab-grown diamond would cost about $600, while a one-carat natural diamond would cost about $2,500.


However, it is important to remember that prices can vary depending on the lab-grown diamond’s quality. For example, a lower-quality lab-grown diamond may cost as little as $200 per carat, while a higher-quality lab-grown diamond could cost up to $1,000 per carat.


Regarding carat size, lab grown diamonds tend to be slightly smaller than natural diamonds. For example, the average diameter of a one-carat lab-grown diamond is 6.5mm, while the average diameter of a one-carat natural diamond is 7mm.


However, there is some variation in size between different types of lab grown diamonds. For example, HPHT diamonds tend to be larger than CVD diamonds. The largest HPHT diamond ever produced was just over 9mm in diameter!


You can expect to pay 20-30% less for a lab-grown diamond than you would for a natural diamond with the same quality.


Why are lab-grown diamonds less expensive?

The price of lab-grown diamonds is determined by many factors, including the diamond’s size, quality, and clarity. However, lab-grown diamonds are typically less expensive than mined diamonds because they are produced in a controlled environment and don’t require the same level of investment in mining and extraction.


In addition, lab-grown diamonds aren’t subject to the same market fluctuations as mined diamonds, so their prices tend to be more stable. And because they can be produced to order, you’re less likely to find yourself paying for a diamond that’s been sitting in a warehouse for years.


Average lab grown diamond’s carat weight

An average lab-grown diamond’s carat weight is about .50. This is significantly lower than the average mined diamond, around 1.00 carat. The difference in weight is due to the way that lab diamonds are grown. They are grown in a controlled environment, allowing a more precise and consistent growth process. This results in a diamond that is typically smaller in size but with fewer impurities and a higher quality overall.


How Important Should Carat Be When Buying Lab Grown Diamonds?

Lab-grown diamonds have been increasing in popularity in recent years as they offer a more sustainable and ethical alternative to mined diamonds. But when it comes to buying lab-grown diamonds, how important should carat weight be?


Carat weight is often used as a key factor in determining the price of a diamond, and this is also true for lab-grown diamonds. However, it’s important to remember that carat weight is one of many factors determining a diamond’s value. A diamond’s cut, clarity, and colour are also important factors to consider.


So, when buying a lab-grown diamond, it’s important to look at the overall quality of the diamond, not just the carat weight. A higher carat weight does not necessarily mean a better quality diamond. Instead, work with a qualified jeweller to find the best quality lab-grown diamond for you.


How to choose the perfect size lab grown diamond for you

When it comes to carat size, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that lab grown diamonds are not created equal. While they may have the same physical dimensions, the way they are cut can affect their overall carat weight. So, when choosing a size for your lab grown diamond, be sure to take into account the specific cut of the stone.


Next, you must consider what kind of look you are going for. A smaller carat size will suffice if you want a more understated look. However, if you’re looking for something with a little more wow factor, you’ll need to go up in size. Keep in mind that the bigger the diamond, the more expensive it will be.


Finally, it’s essential to consider how easy it will be to care for your lab grown diamond. Larger diamonds require more care and attention, so if you’re unwilling to put in the extra effort, stick to a smaller size.


Considering all of these factors, you should be able to find the perfect carat size for your lab-grown diamond!



Carat size is one of the most important factors in determining the value of a diamond. However, it is essential to remember that lab-grown diamonds tend to be smaller than mined diamonds. This means you may have to sacrifice some carat size when choosing a lab grown diamond. However, the benefits of choosing a lab-grown diamond (such as being more environmentally friendly) may outweigh some disadvantages.

So if you’re in the market for a diamond, don’t rule out lab diamonds – Australian Diamond Brokers might have the perfect colour for you.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : March 30th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.