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Can lab-grown diamonds be coloured?

Coloured Lab Grown Diamonds

In the last few years, the market for lab-grown diamonds has exploded. But what if I told you there was a way to grow your coloured diamonds in a lab? Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the ethical and environmental issues surrounding mined diamonds and are looking for a more sustainable option. One of the main benefits of lab-grown diamonds is that they can be produced in a wide range of colours, including some that are very rare or even impossible to find in nature. 


This article will explore some of the most popular colours for lab-grown diamonds and how they are created.

What is a Coloured Diamond?

A coloured diamond is a diamond that has been treated to produce a permanent colour change or trace elements within the stone that have naturally coloured. Light absorption and scattering determine the diamond’s colour; diamonds that absorb more light will appear darker, while those that scatter more light will appear lighter.


Coloured diamonds can be found in a wide range of colours, from the traditional yellow and brown shades to the more exotic pink, blue, and green hues. While naturally coloured diamonds are incredibly rare and thus very valuable, it is possible to create man-made versions of these stones in the lab. Unfortunately, these lab-created diamonds are often less expensive than their natural counterparts but still possess the same physical and optical properties.


Whether you’re interested in a natural or lab-created coloured diamond, it’s essential to do your research before making a purchase. Consult with a qualified jeweller to ensure you’re getting the best quality stone for your money.


What is a lab-grown diamond?

The term “lab-grown diamond” refers to a diamond created in a laboratory instead of one mined from the earth. Lab-grown diamonds have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds but are typically less expensive. 


They are made from a diamond seed placed in a growth chamber and then exposed to intense heat and pressure. This process causes the diamond to grow larger over time.


Lab-grown diamonds have many of the same properties as natural diamonds, including hardness, durability, and optical properties. However, they also have some unique properties, such as being composed of a single crystal (natural diamonds can have multiple crystals) and having a more regular internal structure (natural diamonds can have internal imperfections).


Lab-grown diamonds can be made in various colours, including white, yellow, pink, and blue. The colour of a lab-grown diamond is determined by the impurities present during the growth process. For example, yellow lab-grown diamonds are typically made with nitrogen impurities, while pink diamonds are made with boron impurities.


Some people believe that lab-grown diamonds are not “real” because they have not been formed naturally. However, lab-grown diamonds have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, so they are considered to be real diamonds.


Can lab-grown diamonds be coloured?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds can be coloured. However, many companies that produce lab-grown diamonds offer a variety of colour options for their customers to choose from. While some people may prefer the traditional colourless look of a diamond, others may prefer a more unique and colourful appearance.


How are lab-grown diamonds coloured?

The vast majority of diamonds used in jewellery are colourless or near-colourless. The presence of impurities determines the colour of a diamond, and the type and concentration of impurities will determine the colour of the diamond. The most common impurity in a diamond is nitrogen, and when it is present in small amounts (0.1%), it will give the diamond a yellowish tint.


Coloured lab-grown diamonds add certain trace elements to the diamond growth process. The most common way to do this is with high-pressure and high-temperature (HPHT) treatments, which can introduce different colours into the diamond. Other methods of adding colour include irradiation, which can cause a diamond to turn yellow or green, and plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD), which can create blue or pink diamonds.


By carefully controlling the type and concentration of these elements, it is possible to produce diamonds with a wide range of colours, from blue to pink to green.


Commonly used impurities include boron (which gives blue diamonds their colour) and nitrogen (which gives yellow diamonds their colour). By carefully controlling the amount and type of impurity added, it is possible to produce lab-grown diamonds in a wide range of colours, including pink, red, orange, green, and even black.


It’s important to note that not all coloured lab-grown diamonds are created equal. For example, the colour of a lab-grown diamond may be less intense than its natural counterpart because it’s not exposed to the same type of stressors during its growth. 


What colours can lab-grown diamonds be?

Many people are surprised to learn that lab-grown diamonds can be found in various colours, not just the traditional clear/white colour. Lab-grown diamonds come in various colours, from the rarest and most valuable “fancy” colours to more common shades like yellow and brown.


The vast majority of natural diamonds are fairly pale in colour. We typically think of diamonds as being transparent or white because those are the most popular and desirable colours for engagement rings and other jewellery. But in reality, only about 30% of natural diamonds are “colourless” or close to it. The rest are either yellow, brown, or some other colour.


Interestingly, the same is true for lab-grown diamonds. The vast majority are also pale in colour, with only a small percentage being the coveted clear/white shade. However, thanks to advanced technology, it is now possible to create coloured lab-grown diamonds in a wide range of hues.


Yellow and brown are the most common colours for lab-grown diamonds, but you can also find them in shades of pink, blue, green, orange, and red. These coloured diamonds are often referred to as “fancy” diamonds, and they can be quite valuable depending on their rarity and intensity of colour.

Different Colours of Lab Diamonds

When it comes to diamonds, most people think of clear, white stones. However, diamonds come in all sorts of colours, and yes, you can get colourful lab-grown diamonds!


The Colourless Variety 

Colourless lab-grown diamonds have the same clarity and are cut as mined diamonds, but they come at a fraction of the cost. These stones are perfect for those who want a classic diamond look without breaking the bank. But, as with mined diamonds, colourless lab-grown diamonds come in various shapes and sizes, so you’re sure to find one that suits your style. 


Fancy Coloured Lab Diamonds 

Fancy-coloured lab-grown diamonds range from yellow and pink to black and blue—and even some shades in between! These vibrant stones often make for stunning centrepieces in any piece of jewellery. Fancy-coloured lab-grown diamonds are also excellent for those looking for something a bit more unique or eye-catching than a traditional diamond engagement ring. In addition, fancy-coloured lab-grown diamonds come at an affordable price which helps offset their rarity value when compared to mined versions. 


Saturated Colored Lab Diamonds 

Saturated-coloured lab-grown diamonds are unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! These beautiful creations offer deep hues that create an unforgettable eye appeal. These rare stones make amazing statement pieces, from vivid purples to intense greens. The best part? Saturated-coloured lab-grown diamonds are affordable since they don’t have the same rarity value as their mined diamonds.  


Meanings of different coloured lab diamonds

Different lab-grown coloured diamonds have different meanings, which can be interpreted in various ways. Here are some of the most popular colours and their associated meanings:


Red diamonds are said to represent love, passion and emotion and are often given as gifts to symbolise these things.


Pink diamonds are said to represent femininity, romance and grace, make beautiful engagement rings and are often given as anniversary gifts.


Yellow diamonds are said to represent happiness, optimism and sunshine. They make great friendship rings or ‘just because gifts.


Green diamonds are said to represent growth, nature and new beginnings. They would make a unique engagement ring or a special gift for someone starting a new chapter in their life.


Blue diamonds are said to represent loyalty, trustworthiness and serenity. They make beautiful engagement rings or anniversary gifts and could also be given as a ‘thank-you gift to show your appreciation for someone’s support.


Purple diamonds are said to represent royalty, power and luxury. They would make an unforgettable engagement ring or a special gift for someone important in your life.

The benefits of coloured lab-grown diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds offer some benefits over natural diamonds, including being more affordable, environmentally friendly, and available in a wider range of colours.


Coloured lab-grown diamonds are created by adding trace elements to the diamond growth process. This results in a diamond that is chemically identical to a natural diamond but with unique colours not found in nature. The most popular colours for lab-grown diamonds are yellow, pink, and blue, but they can also be found in green, red, orange, and purple.


Lab-grown coloured diamonds are more affordable than their natural counterparts because they don’t require the time and expense of mining. They’re also more environmentally friendly since their production doesn’t involve harmful chemicals or pollutants.


In addition to being more affordable and eco-friendly, lab-grown coloured diamonds offer a wider range of colour choices than natural diamonds. So if you’re looking for a truly unique piece of jewellery, a lab-grown coloured diamond is perfect.

Are coloured lab-grown diamonds ethical?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it is subjective. Some people feel that any diamond not mined from the earth is unethical, regardless of the process used to create it. Others believe that as long as diamonds are created without harming people or the environment, they are ethical.


Coloured lab-grown diamonds are created using a process called chemical vapour deposition (CVD). This process involves using high temperatures and chemical vapours to grow thin layers of diamond on a substrate. The entire process takes place in a controlled environment and does not require mining.


Some argue that CVD diamonds are more ethical than mined diamonds because they have a smaller environmental impact. However, CVD diamonds also do not require child labour or conflict diamonds, often used in mining natural diamonds.



Can lab-grown diamonds be coloured? The answer is yes! Many companies that produce lab-grown diamonds now offer a wide range of colours to choose from. This means that you can now find the perfect diamond for your jewellery needs, whether you’re looking for a traditional white diamond or something a little more unique. 

So if you’re in the market for a diamond, don’t rule out lab-grown options – Australian Diamond Brokers might have the perfect colour for you.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : March 30th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.