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Can You Get A Pre-Made Ring Customised?

There are many reasons that someone may want a ring to be redesigned. Most commonly, people change their minds or may regret choosing the ring that they currently have. You may also find that a ring has gotten too big or too small. 


While these are some of the most typical reasons why people want to get their ring remodelled, there are also many other reasons that you are probably not aware of.


Those who have a ring that has been passed down from generation to generation should be particularly interested in learning about getting rings customised.


Getting a ring that has already been made customised is something jewellers and designers are completely used to. You would need to get a consultation first, and have a discussion with a professional about what you would like to do. Then, your ring goes through a set of steps in order to be transformed into something else!


Can you get a pre-made ring customised? Absolutely. Let’s take a look at the how and why you would get a ring remodelled.

Adding More Value to the Current Ring

In a lot of cases, people have to end up going with a ring that they may not dream of because of their current financial situation. Life has its ups and downs. This doesn’t mean that you have to be stuck with something that you do not like. 


When customising a pre-made ring, you can choose to add some more value to it by enhancing some features. For example, jewellers are able to change the gemstone that is used. This can mean that if you happened to settle for an emerald, you are able to switch it to a ruby. 


If you happen to not like the certain twists and curves that a ring or setting has – then a remodel may be something to consider!


Adding value does not mean just adding value material/financial-wise. If you happen to have a ring that does not get worn as much because your taste in jewellery has changed, then taking it to get customised will add more value to you because it now fits your style and you appreciate it more.


If you have a ring that has not particularly aged very well, then you can get the ring customised to something that will appeal to a more modern style. 


Restoring a Damaged Ring


damaged ring

If you are someone who has been married for a long time, then you might be all too familiar with having a ring that has lost its original quality over time. Through improper ring maintenance or decades of wear and tear, rings can start to fade, chip, warp and even have stones fall out. 


Accidents happen too, so if you happen to not be wearing that favourite bespoke diamond engagement ring anymore because you think that it is “broken” then maybe think about getting it remade to the way you want it.


There may have been a time when you have chipped the ring during a misfortunate event and have decided to stop wearing it. Those who are into sports or anything fitness-related might be nodding their heads, as some rings are just so much more delicate than others.


One of the most common things that seem to happen with all sorts of rings after long years of wear is that they can get noticeably dull and scratched. 


Elderly people who have been married for say 50 or 60 years or more might start to notice that the entire structure of the ring itself has started to lose some of its shine, or that the jewel used has become not as bright as it used to be once upon a time.


If there are tiny and delicate parts of the band or setting that have been damaged, then a jeweller can help repair the damage in all sorts of ways. 


A Change of Mind With a Gem

If you have a gemstone on your ring that you have second thoughts about, then it can be replaced in a reasonably easy fashion. Whether it’s a pearl, amethyst, sapphire, ruby, emerald, diamond, topaz, opal – you name it.


Changing the jewel makes the ring something entirely different. Most rings have a jewel as the main focus. Like in a previous example, changing a jewel can be because you have decided that you can afford something better now.


With this in mind, you can never be afraid to purchase a previously owned ring in order to change certain elements of it that you don’t happen to like. 


For example, you may come across a ring with characteristics that you are in love with, but certain things like the gemstone used may be something that you dislike.  You can take the ring to a jeweller to have them do a stone replacement.


Jewellers use their experience and skill to loosen the stone out of the setting, with high knowledge and expertise and by using specialised tools for the job. Then, with a new stone they need, they put it back and get everything back to normal so the stone holds in firmly.

Rings That Have Been Passed Down

In a lot of families and certain traditions, custom diamond rings and jewellery get passed down from relative to relative. It is not uncommon for you to see a bride have a ring that belonged to her mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on and so forth.


The wealthiest of people may happen to wear rings that belonged to distant ancestors from mediaeval times! But just like very old architecture, things need to be restored. 


As mentioned before, bespoke rings that have been worn for decades as part of a long marriage are no stranger to being worn with love and may even see some misshape. Believe it or not, some rings that are made of such soft metals can change shape based on the person’s finger. 


With instances like these, getting a ring resized is one of the most simple things possible that can be done by any jeweller. With this process a jeweller can either make the ring bigger or smaller. If a ring were to be resized to be smaller, a little portion gets cut out from the band and then the ring gets put back into form.



So, to summarise everything, there are many reasons why you would want to get a pre-made ring customised. These include things such as:


  • Adding more value to a ring: Customising a ring by adding more valuable gemstones, metals, and so on to make the ring have more material value or personal value to the wearer.
  • Restoring Damage: For a ring that has been damaged through accidents, resulting in pieces missing, being scratched, chipped, marked, etc.
  • Change of Gemstone: If you have changed your mind and would prefer to have a different gemstone used on a ring, then it would be no problem for a jeweller to swap something out and put something new in
  • Improvements to passed down rings: For rings that have been passed down as valuable heirlooms, various fixes and changes can be made in order to bring some life back into the ring. Damage can be repaired, materials can be brightened, and styles can be adjusted. 

If you are looking to get an existing ring customised give us a call today on (02) 9232 2328 and we can discuss your options.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : August 22nd 2022 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.