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When To Get Engaged? Are You Ready To Get Engaged?

An engagement ring in a box and flowers


It may well seem that everyone around you is either announcing an engagement, getting married or having baby news. Spring is the time of new beginnings and the favourite time of year for couples to announce that they are getting engaged.

Deciding when to get engaged is a significant milestone in any relationship. It’s a step toward a lifelong commitment, and it’s essential to approach it thoughtfully. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors to consider, the signs that indicate you’re ready, and how to make this moment memorable. Whether you’re in Sydney, Melbourne, or the Outback, this advice is tailored for Australian couples.


7 Key Points to Know if You’re Ready


1. Know Thyself

Before you think about engagement, take a deep dive into self-awareness. Ask yourself:

  • Personal Goals: What are your individual life goals? Consider career aspirations, travel plans, and personal growth. Ensure that your partner’s goals align with yours.
  • Emotional Readiness: Are you emotionally prepared for a lifelong commitment? Reflect on your communication skills, conflict resolution abilities, and emotional resilience.


2. Relationship Milestones

Certain relationship milestones can serve as indicators for engagement readiness:

  • Solid Foundation: Have you weathered storms together? A strong foundation built on trust, respect, and shared values is crucial.
  • Shared Experiences: Have you travelled together, faced challenges, and celebrated victories? These shared experiences strengthen your bond.


3. Financial Compatibility

Money matters! Discuss finances openly:

  • Debt and Savings: Be transparent about debts, savings, and financial goals. Are you both on the same page?
  • Long-Term Plans: Consider your financial future. Are you aligned in terms of homeownership, retirement, and investment strategies?


4. Family and Friends

Engagement isn’t just about the two of you; it involves your loved ones:

  • Family Approval: While it’s not mandatory, family support can enhance your engagement experience.
  • Friendship Circle: Are your friends supportive of your relationship? Surround yourself with positive influences.


5. Timing Matters

Consider the timing of your engagement:

  • Life Stages: Are you both at a stable point in your lives? Consider career stability, education, and personal growth.
  • Seasonal Symbolism: Australia’s seasons can add a beautiful touch. Imagine proposing during a sunset on Bondi Beach or under the stars in the Outback.


6. The Proposal

Make it memorable:

  • Location: Choose a meaningful spot. Perhaps where you had your first date or a place that holds sentimental value.
  • Personal Touch: Tailor the proposal to your partner’s interests. If they love hiking, propose during a scenic bushwalk.


7. Communication

Talk openly about your desires and expectations:

  • Timeline: Discuss your ideal engagement timeline. Are you both on the same page?
  • Ring Preferences: Understand each other’s ring preferences. Traditional diamond or something unique?


12 Lifestyle Signs That You’re Ready to Get Engaged

  1. While you’re happy to have a big night out pubbing and clubbing with your friends, you love hanging out on the couch with your significant other.
  2. You avoid wearing your clubbing clothes or have almost removed them from the wardrobe entirely (apart from that one set reserved for emergency outings).
  3. You feel totally comfortable and at ease being yourself around the other person, and vice versa. This comes in many forms and may include not wearing makeup, not hiding stretchmarks and other perceived imperfections, and wearing daggy clothes.
  4. Sharing everything, especially finances, is not a big deal. You can’t remember when you started referring to the household budget as ‘our money’ rather than ‘my money’ and ‘your money.’
  5. The idea of single life has lost its appeal, and no longer seems as fun as you once thought it was. You actually can’t imagine what life was like or would be like without your partner around, and feel pity for those stuck in the singles lifestyle.
  6. You are so physically and/or mentally attracted to the other person that you don’t even consider looking at someone else. When you realise you don’t feel like you’re missing out on something better, you know it’s the right time to consider marriage.
  7. Investing in a pet together is another sign you’re ready to get engaged, as a cat or dog is a long-term commitment. Many couples consider getting a pet as a practice for when they decide to have a baby.
  8. You have started planning years in advance rather than having short-term goals. This may include buying property together or planning a future overseas trip.
  9. Your partner’s flaws are not an issue in any way. Even the disgusting ones. Actually, come to think of it, some of them are quite cute…
  10. You worry or think about the person when they are not around, and count the hours until you are reunited.
  11. The other person’s well-being and happiness come above all else. You would put yourself out just to make them happy.
  12. You will eat garlic around them even if they’re not eating garlic too (it must be love!).

If you are experiencing most or all of these tell-tale signs, it might be time to bite the bullet and accept the fact that you are more than ready to pop the question and get engaged.


How Long Are Couples Together Before Getting Engaged?


Deciding when to take that leap into engagement is a deeply personal journey. There’s no universal formula, but experts do offer some valuable insights. So, let’s dive in!

  1. Average Relationship Length Before Getting Engaged: According to The Knot’s 2023 Engagement and Jewelry Study, most couples spend two years or more together before tying the knot. Around 70% of those surveyed fell into this category, while the remaining 30% decided to take the plunge within a shorter timeframe.
  2. The ‘Perfect’ Timing: After spending 10 to 15 months together, many couples find themselves moving in together. It’s a significant step that often paves the way for the next milestone: engagement. Typically, couples get engaged after about a year and a half of being in each other’s lives.
  3. Best Outcomes: Research suggests that the sweet spot for proposing is when a couple has been together for one to three years. During this time, they’ve had the chance to truly know each other, navigate challenges, and build a solid foundation for their future together.

Remember, There’s No Rush: Take your time. Understand each other’s quirks, dreams, and values. Whether you’re strolling through the bustling streets of Sydney or basking in the tranquillity of Queensland’s beaches, let your love story unfold naturally.

A Note on Averages: Remember, these timelines are just averages. Every relationship is beautifully unique. Trust your instincts, communicate openly, and savour the journey with your partner.

A couple enjoying a book

What Are The Signs That a Relationship Is Ready For Engagement?


When it comes to deciding when to take that significant step toward engagement, it’s essential to recognise the signs that indicate you and your partner are ready for a lifelong commitment. Here are some key indicators:

  1. Shared Vision for the Future: When both of you envision a future together, it goes beyond mere daydreaming—it’s about planning. Discussing important life decisions like family planning, career goals, and lifestyle preferences demonstrates a shared commitment to navigating life’s journey as partners. This alignment on future aspirations is a clear sign that you’re ready to get engaged.
  2. Conflict Resolution Skills: Constructively navigating conflicts is crucial for a healthy, lasting relationship. If you both handle disagreements with empathy, active listening, and a genuine willingness to find solutions, it’s a positive sign of emotional readiness for engagement.
  3. Emotional Maturity: Emotional maturity involves prioritising each other’s well-being alongside your own. It means managing conflicts constructively, supporting each other’s growth, and fostering mutual respect. A couple ready for engagement understands the importance of emotional stability and effective communication.
  4. Financial Readiness: Openly discussing your financial situation is essential. Are you both on the same page regarding debts, savings, and long-term financial goals? Being financially aligned ensures you’re prepared to face life’s challenges together as a team.
  5. Mutual Respect and Trust: Trust forms the foundation of any strong relationship. If you trust each other implicitly and respect each other’s boundaries, you’re on the right track. A couple ready for engagement values honesty, transparency, and loyalty.
  6. Shared Life Goals: Do you both have similar life goals? Whether it’s travel, homeownership, or personal growth, alignment in these areas is crucial. Being ready for engagement means understanding each other’s values, aspirations, and quirks, and fostering a relationship grounded in trust and mutual support.
  7. Comfortable with Vulnerability: True intimacy involves vulnerability. If you can share your fears, dreams, and insecurities without judgment, you’re emotionally prepared for engagement.
  8. Excitement About the Journey Ahead: Feeling genuinely excited about building a life together is a powerful sign. Whether it’s planning adventures, creating a home, or imagining your future family, this enthusiasm indicates readiness for engagement.




Getting engaged is a beautiful journey. Trust your instincts, communicate openly, and cherish this significant step. Whether you’re sipping coffee in Melbourne or exploring the Great Barrier Reef, remember that love knows no boundaries. Congratulations on finding your forever person! 🌟

Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only. Always seek personalised advice from a professional if needed.

Next step: buying the engagement ring!

by Australian Diamond Brokers : November 14th 2014 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.