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Lab Grown Diamonds vs Moissanite

In recent years, the world of fine jewellery has seen a significant evolution with the emergence of lab-grown diamonds and moissanite as popular alternatives to traditional mined diamonds. As consumers become more conscious of ethical and environmental considerations, these two alternatives have gained prominence. 


Lab-grown diamonds and moissanite captivate with brilliance and allure, yet differ in origins, properties, and value. In this exploration, we delve into both, analysing composition, appearance, ethics, and economic impact. Understanding these gems enriches choices, aligning personal values and preferences with the beauty they offer.


Composition and Origin

Lab-grown diamonds, as the name suggests, are created in a controlled laboratory environment using advanced technological processes that replicate the conditions under which natural diamonds form deep within the Earth’s mantle. In a lot of cases, lab grown diamonds are also used in bespoke engagement rings too. 


These diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. Moissanite, on the other hand, is a naturally occurring mineral, though the moissanite used in jewellery is typically lab-grown due to its rarity in nature. Moissanite’s chemical composition is silicon carbide (SiC), and it possesses unique optical properties that give it a striking fire and brilliance.


Appearance and Properties

Both lab-grown diamonds and moissanite captivate with their visual allure, yet subtle distinctions define their charm. 


Lab-grown diamonds mirror natural ones in brilliance, sparkle, and fire, boasting the captivating dance of light. Available in diverse hues and clarities, they enchant with versatility. Meanwhile, moissanite dazzles with extraordinary fire, boasting flashes of colour that can outshine diamonds. Its unique double refraction delivers a mesmerising “disco ball” effect, carving its niche. 


This divergence appeals to various tastes—some favour moissanite’s vivid, chromatic spectacle, while others gravitate toward diamonds’ ageless and refined elegance.


Hardness and Durability

Diamonds, whether lab-grown or mined, are renowned for their exceptional hardness. They are the hardest natural material known, ranking 10 on the Mohs scale. This exceptional hardness is due to the unique carbon lattice structure, making diamonds ideal for various industrial applications aside from their use in jewellery.


Moissanite, a lab-created gemstone, is also quite durable, ranking 9.25 on the Mohs scale. This high score signifies its ability to withstand daily wear and resist scratches and abrasion. Despite Moissanite’s impressive durability, diamonds hold a slight advantage in long-term durability due to their unmatched hardness, ensuring a lasting allure in jewellery and other applications.

Economic Considerations

Traditionally, one of the reasons diamonds have held such high value is their rarity. The emergence of lab-grown diamonds and moissanite has disrupted this rarity factor, impacting the economic landscape of the jewellery industry. 


Lab-grown diamonds stand out for their affordability compared to mined counterparts, presenting a quality option at a lower cost. However, moissanite, another lab-grown gem with a distinct composition, goes even further in offering budget-friendliness. 


This financial benefit empowers buyers to opt for larger, visually impressive stones without the substantial price burden. As a result, both lab-grown diamonds and moissanite redefine the possibilities of owning striking and sizable gems without straining one’s finances.


Symbolism and Perception

Diamonds have held a revered place in human history, symbolising everlasting love, commitment, and opulence. The cultural and emotional weight they carry is immeasurable, often representing the unbreakable bonds of relationships. Lab-grown diamonds, despite their distinct origin, carry the same powerful symbolism as their mined counterparts. Modern couples often prioritise the emotional significance over the source of the gemstone, embracing the idea that love’s endurance matters more than its origin.


In contrast, moissanite, a newcomer to the gemstone scene, lacks the centuries-old legacy of diamonds. However, it has swiftly gained popularity due to its exceptional brilliance, fire, and lower cost. While moissanite may not embody the historical depth of diamonds, its unique beauty and affordability make it an appealing choice for those seeking both aesthetic appeal and budget-conscious options.


Choosing between diamonds and moissanite ultimately depends on individual values and preferences. Some may be drawn to the timeless elegance and tradition associated with diamonds, while others may resonate with moissanite’s modern allure and budget-friendly nature. As the world of gemstones evolves, couples are fortunate to have a range of choices that cater to their emotional, aesthetic, and financial considerations.


The Unique Beauty of Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds possess a distinct and captivating beauty that is uniquely their own. While they share the dazzling brilliance and fire of their naturally mined counterparts, their journey from the controlled environment of a laboratory gives them an aesthetic charm that sets them apart.


One of the fascinating attributes of lab-grown diamonds lies in their purity. Created under carefully controlled conditions, they are often free from the imperfections commonly found in mined diamonds. This clarity allows light to refract and reflect within the stone with exceptional brilliance, resulting in a breathtaking play of colours and sparkles.


Moreover, the process of growing diamonds in a lab allows for innovative customisation. From selecting the diamond’s characteristics to influencing its growth, lab-grown diamonds offer a level of personalisation that adds to their allure. This level of control enables individuals to create gems that suit their preferences perfectly, whether that’s achieving a particular size, shape, or colour.


These particular diamonds also carry a modern appeal. In an era where sustainability and ethical considerations matter greatly, the transparency of their origin resonates with conscious consumers. Their beauty is not only skin deep but also extends to the ethical and environmental factors that contribute to their creation.


In essence, lab-grown diamonds celebrate beauty through both their visual splendour and the values they embody. Their remarkable attributes, combined with their unique narrative, establish them as gems of undeniable beauty that shine brightly in the evolving world of jewellery and personal adornment.



The choice between lab-grown diamonds and moissanite ultimately depends on individual priorities and preferences. 


Lab-grown diamonds offer a conflict-free and environmentally conscious option that closely emulates the properties of natural diamonds. 


Moissanite, with its exceptional fire and affordability, presents a distinct alternative that appeals to those seeking a unique and budget-friendly choice. Both options contribute to the changing landscape of the jewellery industry, offering consumers ethical and aesthetic choices that align with their values in an ever-evolving world.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : August 31st 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.