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How to Relieve Tension Before a Wedding

Some of the most stressful things in life are often said to involve death, moving house, finance and divorce. But believe it or not, the build-up to a wedding can be intense – although obviously a different type of stress.


It is becoming more common for people to experience mental health issues these days, so stress and anxiety are nothing unusual. Throughout this article, we will be looking at some of the best ways you can manage a bit of tension and fear before a wedding, for those that may experience it.


Whether it is relationship anxiety, doubts, financial stress, mental illnesses or anything in between – there should be some tips here to help everyone.


Talk about it with your partner

If you find that you are someone who is prone to keeping things bottled up and secretive, then one of the first steps that you can take is by talking about it. This can be with family and friends, but you may see the most help will come from the person that you are about to marry.


This wedding involves only the two of you, as you are in this together. Maybe you are afraid that you are going to ruin things on the day, embarrass yourself, have guests that are unwanted, and so on. Your partner should be understanding and want to help. It may seem scary, but once you tell them, they are likely to want to help you and make some changes.


Again, family and close friends can be of great help during tough situations but talking it out with the person to whom you are getting married on the day is going to be the biggest weight to get off your shoulders.


Challenge yourself

If you ever feel like you are in a state of overthinking, one of the best things to do to help yourself is to really challenge your thoughts. Why exactly are you worried? How likely is it that these things will happen? And how bad are things going to be if they were to happen?


In so many situations across your life, you will realise that you can be your own worst enemy. How many times have you been extremely worried about something only to have your predictions be totally incorrect? Likely countless times. And the thing is, getting worried about a wedding is something that is super common anyway.


Remind yourself that this marks the day that you will place a ring on their finger and begin a new eternal bond together.


Use calming techniques

If you feel that you know that things are going to go absolutely fine but still just cannot shake the nerves, then try to actually calm down your body physically. There are so many different ways to do this and it is likely that you have already done a lot of these things before or have at least heard of them.


For starters, try deep breathing. Yes, this is an unsurprising answer but it really helps. The best way to go about doing this is to try to go to a quiet area where you can be alone and comfortable – like your bed. Lay down on your back and inhale deeply through the nose and out the mouth.


Lots of doctors and psychologists will remind their patients to breathe deeply during anxious times, and it scientifically is proven to work. This is because deep breathing brings lots of oxygen to the brain, helps slow down heart rate, and blood pressure and signals your body to lower the cortisol (stress) hormone.


There are really all sorts of breathing techniques you can try too. Today, meditation and mindfulness are really popular and are also proven to help with not only anxiety but depression too. There are also so many different ways to go about meditation too, and throughout history, a lot of cultures and religions have famously practiced meditation.


By slowing down your stress and easing anxiety physically, you can get your mind in a sharper state that is way more focused.


Consider if you have “Generalised Anxiety Disorder”

GAD, or Generalised Anxiety Disorder is a mental illness that causes ongoing anxiety that affects daily life. A lot of the time you may find that you are anxious for no apparent reason. If you feel that you may fall into this category, and have not seen a doctor for it then it may be a good idea.


If you are someone that happens to worry about “everything” in life, then it is definitely not a shock to be worried about the “most important day of your life”. 


GAD can be treated with medication like antidepressants and talk therapy. You can also see some improvements by doing some self-care. These can include things like getting some physical exercise and eating healthy. 


Consider if you have social anxiety

Social anxiety is another mental condition that leaves people feeling extra worrisome during social situations. A wedding is understandably going to be a moment where you will feel extra tense. Social anxiety can also be helped with therapy and antidepressants, but you can also try to strengthen your tolerance and challenge your fears by engaging in more social situations.


Rehearse the wedding and have a plan

If you find that you are someone that doesn’t typically worry about a lot of things but the upcoming wedding is really making you lose some sleep, then it may be best to practice things over.


Pretty much every wedding is going to have some rehearsals, but it will help to practice things a few times in order to really feel confident. When you know exactly what to do and how things are going to go, then you will naturally feel a lot less intimidated and have the sense of pressure melt away.


For anxious people, a lot of fear is created by the unknown. By going over what needs to be done on the day of the wedding, you will almost always feel a great sense of relief.


Spend time with your partner and important people of the wedding

Finally, one of the easiest ways to feel less stress for a wedding is by spending some dedicated time with your partner alone, but also with the people of the wedding. For example, if you are the groom then get to know the bridesmaids – or if you are the bride then get to understand why your partner chose his best man.


You may just automatically be anxious because you are not fully confident with the people that are part of the wedding. Or perhaps you may not like your in-laws. Over time, you will get used to these new people that are now inevitably going to be part of your life, so just let things fall into place.



A wedding is often referred to as “the most important day of your life” and it does make sense. But it is not something to be annoyed at for being nervous with – as this is totally normal.


But for some people, you may find that the anxiety is a bit too much. Luckily there are ways to deal with it, here are some points that we discussed from above:

  • Talk things out with your partner – letting them know how you are feeling can lift a weight off your shoulders
  • Challenge your inner thoughts – Why exactly are you nervous and how likely is it that these things will even happen?
  • Try calming techniques – Deep breathing and meditation can really help slow your heart rate and ease your mind
  • See a doctor if you think you have an anxiety disorder – If you find that you also tend to be worried about lots of other things in life, then perhaps see a doctor about it if you haven’t already
  • Rehearse the wedding – Knowing what is going to happen is great for refreshing your mind and relieving any fears of failure
  • Spend time with your partner and the important people of the wedding – Spend some alone time with your partner to remind yourself that the wedding is about you two only, and make time to get to know people of the wedding that you may not be close with.


Australian Diamond Brokers have been helping people bring some much-needed glamour to their weddings. Visit our website to browse our range of high-quality rings.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : March 30th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.