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How Do You Spot Fake Diamonds?

fake diamonds

Fake diamonds—or diamond simulants—are more common than many people realize. With the advances in technology, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between real and fake diamonds without the help of a trained expert. So how do you spot a fake diamond? How can you tell if a diamond is genuine or not? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different ways to determine if a diamond is real or fake, from physical inspection to specialised tests. Learn more about identifying real diamonds and protecting yourself from getting scammed.

The Different Types of Fake Diamonds

There are a few different types of fake diamonds on the market today. The most common type is cubic zirconia, made from zirconium oxide. This material is very hard and has a similar refractive index to diamond. However, cubic zirconia is much less expensive than diamond and does not have the same physical properties. As a result, it is relatively easy to spot a fake diamond if you know what to look for.

Another type of fake diamond is moissanite, which is made from silicon carbide and shares many of the same properties as diamond. However, moissanite is not as hard as diamond and has a slightly different refractive index, and as a result, moissanite can be distinguished from diamonds with a trained eye.

Finally, there are synthetic diamonds. Synthetic diamonds are made in a laboratory and have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds. However, synthetic diamonds are often cheaper than natural diamonds, so they are sometimes used as substitutes in jewellery.


How to Tell if a Diamond is Fake

If you’re in the market for a diamond, it’s important to be able to spot a fake. Here are some tips on how to tell if a diamond is fake:

  • Examine the stone closely. If it looks cloudy or milky, it’s likely a fake.
  • Check for imperfections. Real diamonds will have small imperfections called “inclusions.” If the stone appears to be perfect, it’s probably a fake.
  • Hold the diamond up to your ear and listen for a faint humming sound. This is called “fluorescence” and is an indicator of a real diamond.
  • Use a jeweller’s loupe (a magnifying glass) to inspect the stone for cuts. Fake diamonds are often cut poorly, with uneven facets.

Water Test

If you’re in the market for a diamond, it’s important to spot a fake. Here are some tips on how to water test a diamond to see if it’s real:

  1. Fill a bowl with room-temperature water and drop your diamond in.
  2. Observe how quickly the diamond sinks. A real diamond will sink relatively quickly due to its high density.
  3. If the diamond floats or sinks very slowly, it is most likely not a real diamond.
  4. To be sure, you can also try the fog test: Breathe on the diamond and observe how long it takes for the fog to dissipate. A real diamond will immediately disperse the fog due to its high refractive index.

Fog Test

When it comes to buying diamonds, it’s important to be able to spot a fake. While there are many ways to test for authenticity, the fog test is one of the easiest and most reliable. Here’s how it works:

Hold the diamond close to your mouth and breathe on it. If the stone stays foggy for a few seconds, then it’s probably a fake. A real diamond will disperse the heat from your breath almost immediately and won’t retain any fog.

Of course, this test isn’t foolproof, but it’s a good place to start when determining if a diamond is real. So next time you’re in the market for some sparkly jewellery, don’t forget to give it the fog test!

Check Settings & Mount

When it comes to spotting a fake diamond, one of the first things you should check is the setting and mount. If the setting is made of cheap metals or if the diamond is mounted in a way that makes it look odd, then chances are good that the diamond is not real. Also, be sure to examine the prongs holding the diamond in place. If they are bent or distorted, that could be a sign that the stone is not secure and could fall out.


UV Light Test

The ultraviolet light test is a quick and easy way to determine if a diamond is real or fake. Fake diamonds will not fluoresce under ultraviolet light, while real diamonds will emit a faint blue glow. This test can be performed with a blacklight or UV flashlight.

Pros and Cons of Buying Fake Diamonds

When it comes to diamonds, it is important to be able to spot a fake. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake diamonds on the market. Here are some pros and cons of buying fake diamonds:


  • Fake diamonds are usually much cheaper than real diamonds.
  • They can still be used for jewellery and other purposes.
  • They can be a good way to test if you’re allergic to diamond jewellery before buying the real thing.


  • Fake diamonds lack the beauty and sparkle of real diamonds.
  • They are not as durable as real diamonds.
  • You may be fooled into thinking you’re buying a real diamond when you’re not.

What Stones Maybe Instead of Diamonds

There are many different types of fake diamonds on the market today. Some of the most common substitutes for diamonds include cubic zirconia, moissanite, and white sapphires.

Cubic zirconia is a man-made stone that is often used in costume jewellery. It is usually less expensive than diamonds and can be found in various colours. Moissanite is another manufactured stone that is sometimes used as a diamond substitute and is slightly more expensive than cubic zirconia but has similar properties. White sapphires are natural stones often used in place of diamonds, are typically less expensive than diamonds, and have a similar appearance.


Spotting a fake diamond takes practice, and it can be difficult to differentiate between a real and a fake. With the right knowledge and tools, however, you can easily identify the genuine diamonds from the fakes. Remember that if something looks too good to be true or is significantly cheaper than other options, it may be a counterfeit product. So be sure to research before buying any precious stones online or at jewellery stores, so you don’t lose money.

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by Australian Diamond Brokers : March 30th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.