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Difference between Lab-Grown & Traditional blue diamonds

Difference between Lab-Grown & Traditional blue diamonds

In the world of diamonds, two of the most popular choices are blue diamonds and lab-grown blue diamonds. So, what’s the difference between the two? Traditional blue diamonds are created by nature over the course of millions of years, deep underground. They are incredibly rare and valuable because of this. On the other hand, lab-grown blue diamonds are created in a lab in a much shorter time frame. While both types of diamonds are beautiful, there are some key differences between traditional and lab-grown blue diamonds. This blog post will explore those differences and help you decide which type of diamond is right for you.


What are blue lab diamonds?

Blue diamonds are some of the most popular diamonds on the market and have been used in engagement rings and other jewellery for centuries, and blue diamonds are also some of the most expensive diamonds.


Lab-grown blue diamonds are a relatively new product on the market. They are created in a lab by combining carbon with other chemicals under high pressure and temperature. This creates a diamond that is chemically and structurally identical to a natural blue diamond.


The main difference between lab-grown blue diamonds and traditional blue diamonds is the price. Lab-grown blue diamonds are significantly cheaper than natural blue diamonds because they do not have to be mined from the earth. Instead, they can be created in a lab in a matter of weeks.


If you are looking for a beautiful diamond that is more affordable, then a lab-grown blue diamond is a great option.


What is the difference between lab-grown and traditional blue diamonds?

Traditional blue diamonds are mined from the earth, while lab-grown blue diamonds are created in a controlled environment. The main difference between the two is that lab-grown blue diamonds are more affordable and have a smaller environmental impact.


While traditional blue diamonds can cost upwards of $100,000 per carat, lab-grown blue diamonds typically start at around $10,000 per carat. In addition, traditional blue diamonds often require mining operations that can have a negative impact on the environment, whereas lab-grown blue diamonds are created in a much more sustainable way.


So if you’re looking for a beautiful blue diamond that won’t break the bank or harm the planet, look no further than a lab-grown diamond!


The Process of Making Blue Lab Diamonds 

Blue lab diamonds are made by taking a piece of blue diamond and breaking it down into its component parts. These components are then combined in the same order to create a new, synthetic blue diamond. This process is known as CVD, or chemical vapour deposition.


Blue lab diamonds are made using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technology in a high-pressure and high-temperature environment. This process replicates the conditions in which natural diamonds form deep within the Earth over millions of years. First, an ultra-pure diamond seed is placed into a vacuum chamber filled with methane gas molecules and hydrogen gas molecules. The gases will then be heated to extremely high temperatures (over 1000°C) until they break down into their atoms, with carbon atoms settling onto the diamond seed, layer by layer. This method is much faster than natural formation and results in a pure carbon crystal that has the same molecular structure as mined diamonds. 


Once the diamond seed is completely covered in carbon atoms, it is heated again until it melts into liquid form and takes its shape as a crystal lattice – forming what we know as an “uncut” lab-grown diamond. After this point, professional gemologists will carry out quality control checks such as testing for clarity, colour, cut, carat weight and symmetry before polishing them into stunning gemstones with precise measurements and excellent clarity grade ratings. It can take anywhere from 14 to 21 days to grow a single blue lab diamond in this way—much faster than waiting millions of years for nature to do its work! 


What is Blue Nuance, and Why Do Some Lab-Created Diamonds Have It?

Blue Nuance is a type of fluorescence found in some diamonds. These diamonds will emit a blue glow when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. The intensity of the blue hue can vary from diamond to diamond.


The cause of blue nuance is still not fully understood, but it is thought to be the result of impurities in the diamond’s crystal structure, such as boron or nitrogen. However, blue nuance is relatively rare, so lab-created diamonds exhibiting this phenomenon are also quite rare.


While some people may prefer the look of blue nuance diamonds, there is no difference in quality or durability between these diamonds and those without fluorescence. In fact, many experts believe that the blue hue actually makes these diamonds less valuable than their non-fluorescent counterparts.


The Benefits of Blue Lab Diamonds 

One of the main benefits of blue lab diamonds is their colour. Unlike traditionally mined diamonds that are typically colourless or white, blue lab diamonds come in various shades ranging from light pastel blues to darker navy hues. This means you can find a stone that perfectly matches your desired style and aesthetic. Plus, these gemstones often have more clarity than Earth-mined stones, making them even more beautiful and valuable. 


Blue lab diamonds are also much more affordable than mined stones because they are grown in a laboratory setting instead of being dug out of the ground. This means you can get a stunning diamond ring or necklace without spending an arm and a leg on it! The cost savings don’t stop there either; since these stones don’t require additional treatments or enhancements like some mined diamonds, you can be sure that you’re getting a high-quality product without any hidden costs or surprises down the line.  


Finally, by buying blue lab diamonds, you’re doing your part to help protect our planet’s natural resources. Since these stones are not sourced from nature but rather grown in labs using advanced technology, they don’t put any strain on natural resources or cause damage to our environment like mining operations to do. If you want beautiful jewellery without contributing to environmental destruction, then blue lab diamonds are just what you need! 


Are blue lab diamonds expensive?

Blue lab diamonds are more expensive than traditional ones because they are rare and take longer to create. Blue lab diamonds are also graded on a different scale than traditional diamonds, so they are typically of a higher quality.



If you’re looking for an alternative to traditionally mined diamonds that is still beautiful but more affordable, blue lab-grown diamonds may be just what you need! With their near-perfect symmetry and stunning hues ranging from icy blues to deep navy shades, it’s easy to see why so many people opt for these laboratory-made gems when choosing engagement rings or other fine jewellery pieces. Plus, you can rest assured knowing that your purchase supports responsible sourcing practices without contributing to any negative environmental impacts or unethical labour practices associated with traditional mining operations worldwide!

Browse our range of lab-grown blue diamonds at Australian Diamond Brokers online now!

by Australian Diamond Brokers : March 30th 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.