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Debunking Common Myths About Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Like any innovation, the one involving diamonds is shrouded in mystery and lore. Since lab-produced diamonds are conflict-free, traceable, and more environmentally friendly than any mined diamond, they are swiftly rising to the top of the list of preferred options for ethical heritage jewellery and eco-friendly engagement rings. See how lab-grown diamonds compare to naturally-occurring diamonds by reading on to find the truth about the greatest myths and misunderstandings surrounding them:

Myth 1: Lab-grown diamonds are “fake” or “not real.”

Many people believe lab-grown diamonds are not the real deal.  This is not true. Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds, just like mined diamonds–but they’re grown in a lab instead of extracted from the ground by miners.

Lab-grown diamonds are 100% natural and authentic, making them the perfect choice for anyone who wants to avoid conflict minerals and support ethical practices in the diamond trade.

Myth 2: Lab-grown diamonds are of inferior quality.

Lab-grown diamonds are not of inferior quality. Lab-grown diamonds are of the same quality, if not better than mined diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. The false claims that lab-grown diamonds are inferior quality are merely attempts to discredit a rapidly growing industry revolutionizing the diamond market.

Myth 3: Lab-grown diamonds are not sustainable or ethical

This is simply not true! There are many reasons why lab-grown diamonds are more sustainable and ethical than mined diamonds:

  • They don’t require mining the earth for resources that could otherwise be used for important purposes (like growing food). Instead of digging up mountains, they’re created in a controlled environment using just heat and pressure to form carbon atoms into perfect crystals.
  • They don’t contribute to human rights abuses like those associated with some African diamond mines where children are forced into labour under dangerous conditions–and even worse things happen when you factor in blood diamonds (those sold by rebel groups).
  • They don’t contribute to environmental degradation either because no land has been disturbed during their creation process; instead, all materials came from existing factories making other products such as glass or ceramics!

Myth 4: Lab-grown diamonds are just for those who can’t afford a natural diamond.

This is simply not true. It’s easy to see how this myth came about; many people believe that natural diamonds are more valuable than lab-grown ones because they’re rarer. The truth is some lab-grown diamonds are rarer than their natural counterparts! If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to your dream engagement ring or wedding band, look no further than our stunning selection of lab-grown gems.

Myth 5: Lab-grown diamonds have no resale value

Traditional diamond retailers often deceive the public by saying that lab-grown diamonds have no resale value. That is incorrect. Lab-grown diamonds have an equivalent resale value as a part of the initial sale price, just like mined diamonds.

If you can’t afford a natural diamond now but still want one for yourself or as a gift for someone special, then it may be time to consider getting your hands on an affordable lab-grown diamond instead!

Myth 6: Lab-grown diamonds are prohibitively expensive

If you’ve ever seen a lab-grown diamond, you may have considered it too pricey. After all, real diamonds are far more valuable and attractive! However, there are several reasons why lab-grown diamonds make sense as an alternative to genuine diamonds.

Since lab-grown diamonds cost less than 1/100th of what real diamonds do, you may purchase one at any price point. They are valued according to size and quality instead of whether or not they came from the ground because the only difference between them is their origin (and sometimes a slight variance in colour).

Myth 7: Noticeable Difference Between Natural And Lab Grown Diamonds

The notion that diamonds are manufactured in a lab, and those found naturally is another urban legend. You could imagine that a glance would allow someone to determine that your diamond was created in a lab. To the unaided eye, natural and lab-grown diamonds appear identical. Why? Because their makeup is the same.  

Because of their sustainability and ethical standards, lab-grown diamonds are gaining popularity. Due to their greater sustainability and ethical production, couples increasingly select conflict-free lab-grown diamonds for engagement rings. In addition to being cheaper than their more expensive counterparts, lab-grown diamonds can eventually be handed down as a family treasure.

Myth 8: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Not Environmentally Friendly.

The perception that manufactured diamonds are not ecologically friendly is one of the most common misconceptions. This myth originates from misinterpreting the process used to make these gems. Although some grow diamond producers employ solar power, carbon emission capture, and other green technologies, grown diamonds require a lot of energy and water. The 5+ Ct diamonds we utilize have SCS sustainability or climate-positive certifications. However, this is little compared to conventionally mined diamonds, which must disrupt thousands of tons of earth and hundreds of litres of water to remove a single carat. Growing diamonds are the most ecologically responsible choice if you want traditional diamond jewellery. The ideal choice for the contemporary woman, our grown diamonds above 1 carat are SCS certified, sustainable and environmentally positive.


Lab-grown diamonds are not inferior to mined diamonds, and the myths surrounding lab-grown diamonds are simply not true. Lab-grown diamonds are a sustainable and ethical alternative to mined diamonds and offer the same quality and beauty.

Australian Diamond Brokers provides a large selection of lab-grown diamonds superior to mined diamonds in quality and certification. They provide the same quality and beauty as mined diamonds and are a sustainable and ethical alternative. Contact us right now to learn more about our collection.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : June 1st 2023 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.