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How to Choose the Best Earrings for Your Face Shape

Women trying on earrings

When you finish off buying a new outfit with accessories, a key item you may choose is earrings. Today there are so many types of earrings on the market that we often forget about the basic principle of pairing earring styles with your face shape.

Some earrings will look better on certain face shapes, so it’s an important factor to remember when shopping for earrings. Here is our guide to matching earring styles with face shapes.


Understanding Your Face Shape

The first step in selecting the right earrings is to determine your face shape. Here are the most common face shapes and their characteristics:

Oval Face Shape

  • Forehead is slightly wider than the chin.
  • Cheekbones are the widest part of the face.
  • Jawline is softly rounded.

Round Face Shape

  • Face width and length are roughly the same.
  • Cheekbones are the widest part of the face.
  • Jawline is soft and rounded with few angles.

Square Face Shape

  • Foreheadcheekbones, and jawline are all about the same width.
  • Jawline is strong and angular.

Heart Face Shape

  • Forehead is wider than the cheekbones.
  • Cheekbones taper down to a narrow chin.
  • Jawline is pointed.

Diamond Face Shape

  • Forehead and jawline are narrower than the cheekbones.
  • Cheekbones are high and the face is angular.

Long or Rectangular Face Shape

  • Foreheadcheekbones, and jawline are similar in width.
  • Face length is the most prominent feature.

Best Earrings For an Oval Face


Jessica Alba

The oval face shape features a forehead that is as wide as the cheekbones and stays within this width towards the chin, which narrows inwards. Oval faces are rather lucky, as they can pair almost any style of earring with no issues. However, you can opt for either oval or teardrop earrings to further accentuate your natural face shape. Adding these types of earrings will also create a sense of symmetry and balance.

For example, Jessica Alba has paired her oval face with diamond-shaped silver earrings to create an angular look.

Best Earrings For a Round Face


Mila Kunis with earrings

A round face is determined by the widest part of the face being at the cheekbones, and the cheekbones do not shape then narrow down towards the chin like other face shapes. To reduce the width of a round face, it is best to avoid circular-designed earrings. Long, dangling earrings work well, but avoid dangling, round pieces as this will further increase the wide appearance of your face. Choose thin-medium-width earrings to make your face look slimmer.

Here Mila Kunis has used shoulder-length diamond and onyx earrings to elongate her round face.

Best Earrings For a Heart-shaped Face


Amanda Seyfried

If your forehead is wider than the cheeks, with your cheeks tapering down towards the chin, then you have a heart-shaped face. When buying earrings to suit a heart-shaped face, look for designs with curves and elongated lines. Earrings with elongated curves will help to balance the face and draw attention to the eyes, cheekbones and jawline. For best results, choose earrings that are dangle, teardrop or chandelier in style. Inverted triangle shapes look particularly good, as they counteract the natural shape of your face. Avoid styles of earrings that reflect your face shape.

Amanda Seyfried opted for inverted silver triangle drop earrings to balance her face and draw attention to her cheekbones.

Best Earrings For a Square Face


Angelina Jolie

The square-shaped face often has a distinguished jawline, and the size of the forehead, cheeks and jawline are often all around the same size in width. To soften the appearance of the cheekbones and jawline, choose rounded-styled earrings. Elongated, dangling pieces work very well for this face shape, as do circle-shaped studs. Hoop earrings will also suit a square face, particularly those that extend below the jawline. This style will not only soften the face, but make it appear smaller. For a square face, it is best to avoid wide-styled earrings.

Medium-sized diamond studded earrings, such as those worn by Angelina Jolie, are a perfect choice for those with square-shaped faces.

Best Earrings For a Rectangular Face


Jennifer Lopez

Similar to a square face, a rectangular face is often square-like, but longer. It is also known as a narrow face shape. Pearl earrings are a rectangular-faced person’s best friend. These earrings will add softness to the face, but also minimise length. If you can find a pair of clustered pearl earrings that dangle below the earlobe, these will be an excellent choice. Earrings with elongated curves will also work particularly well and will create softness and accentuate the cheekbones.

Jennifer Lopez is the perfect example of how pearl cluster earrings can soften the angularity of a narrow-shaped face.

Best Earrings for a Diamond Face


Halle Berry’s

Strong cheekbones often define the diamond face shape, with the forehead and chin narrower than the cheekbones. Long earrings with elegant curves look great on those with a diamond-shaped face. Softly curved earrings will minimise any sharpness around the cheekbone area and jawline. Avoid dangle earrings that are also diamond-shaped, as this will only work to increase the appearance of your face shape and generally is not very flattering. Choose styles that sit close the the face. Stud earrings will also look great.

For example, these simple diamond studs are the perfect addition to Halle Berry’s look. They draw attention to her beautiful smile and flawless skin, without emphasising the angularity of her diamond-shaped face.


Tips for the Perfect Pair

  • Consider the occasion: Choose subtle styles for daytime and more dramatic pieces for evening events.
  • Match your metal: Silver, gold, or rose gold should complement your skin tone and other jewellery.
  • Experiment with colour: Colored gemstones can highlight your eyes or add a pop of colour to your outfit.



Choosing the right earrings for your face shape is about creating balance and enhancing your natural features. By understanding the unique characteristics of your face, you can select earrings that will make you look and feel fabulous. Remember, the most important thing is to wear what you love and what makes you feel confident.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can round-face shapes wear hoop earrings?

Yes, round faces can wear hoop earrings, especially those that are elongated or rectangular, as they help to create the illusion of a longer face.

What type of earrings should someone with a square face shape avoid?

It’s best to avoid earrings with sharp angles and square designs that mimic the face’s shape. Instead, opt for round earrings or hoops to soften the angular jawline.

How can heart face shapes choose earrings to balance their look?

Heart face shapes should look for earrings that are wider at the bottom, such as teardrop or chandelier earrings, to add volume near the jawline and balance the narrower chin.

Are there any earring styles that are universally flattering?

Studs are a classic choice that suits most face shapes. They are subtle and can be worn with various outfits for different occasions.

How do I choose earrings to match my outfit?

Consider the colour, style, and formality of your outfit. For a cohesive look, match the metal of your earrings to other jewellery pieces and choose colours that complement your clothing.

Can I wear large earrings if I have a small face?

Yes, you can wear large earrings, but it’s important to choose a pair that doesn’t overwhelm your features. Look for designs that are proportional to your face size.

How do I know if an earring style will suit me?

The best way is to try them on and see how they look with your face shape. You can also consult with a stylist or use virtual try-on apps to get an idea.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : April 23rd 2015 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.