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15 Things No One Tells You About Becoming Engaged

shutterstock_34508845Most women have dreamed about becoming engaged from a young age. Some have dreamed about the proposal, some have dreamed about the man and, for others, it’s all about the wedding.

With all this dreaming, you would think that you’d feel prepared once the moment finally came. That you know everything there is to know about becoming engaged. The problem is, there are many things that people never talk about when it comes to the popping of the question.

1. You have just entered your own secret bubble

Being engaged lands you somewhere in between being single and married, and it’s a moment that many can’t relate to unless they are in it themselves. Your married friends will begin to shower you with advice, and your single friends, while supportive, inevitably feel a little distanced.

2. You might suffer an identity crisis

Having a ring on your finger suddenly highlights that very soon you will become someone more than just yourself. You’ll become a wife and maybe have to change your name. This could lead to children, a mortgage, and a whole host of other responsibilities you might not be used to.

3. You’ll have to tell your proposal story over and over

The first time you’ve shared your proposal story and showed off the ring is exhilarating, but it soon becomes old. If retelling the same story over and over doesn’t sound like something you want to get used to, try creating a wedding website. Invite friends and family to click on a link and start the page with the story of your love, which led to the happy proposal.

4. There’s always one party pooper

You may have been together for a long time and know in heart that this is the man for you, but there is always one person who will question your decision to say yes. Don’t dwell on it. Anyone who knows you well will know how perfect you are for one another.

5. You won’t be able to stop looking at the ring

shutterstock_70882240Now that you have a diamond on your finger, you’ll need to get used to continually looking, playing, twisting, and waving your hand. And each time you do, don’t be surprised if a giant smile appears on your face.

6. You’ll have an excuse to watch cheesy TV

Reality shows such as “Four Weddings” and “I Found the Gown” may be a little cheesy, but they can be great sources of inspiration when planning your big day. You can also rent movies, such as “Father of the Bride” and “My Best Friend’s Wedding” for tips and tricks, and most important what not to do when planning your big day.

7. You’ll be asked when the date is before you’ve even had time to breathe

He may have asked you only moments ago, but already people want to know what the date of the wedding will be, where abouts you will have it, and who your bridesmaids will be. Be prepared for an ambush of questions, and spend some time perfecting non-committal answers until you’re ready to announce the details.

8. Your partner might need time to relax

Before you jump into planning every little detail, be sensitive to the fact that your fiance has just planned out your proposal and splurged on a beautiful ring. Give him a moment to relax and recoup some finances before dragging him around to 50 different venues. Besides, it’s important to enjoy being “just engaged”.

9. You will have doubts

No matter how confident you are in your relationship, there will be a moment during your engagement when you think to yourself “am I doing the right thing?”. Having doubts is normal, and it will help if you can openly communicate them. Naming the feeling will usually be enough to clear the air and dispel the doubt.

10. Your relationship will feel different

By becoming engaged, you have essentially just said to each other that you will be committed to one another forever. No matter how long you’ve been together, that suddenly makes your relationship very serious. Make sure that you take time to do normal things with your new fiance, and don’t make any drastic changes straight away – instead ease into it

11. You risk upsetting a friend

shutterstock_100735138When it comes to choosing bridesmaids and groomsmen, it’s no easy choice. Unfortunately, friends can be left out and feelings can get hurt. But it’s important that you only choose the people that you really want for the bridal party, as they’re going to be with you throughout the most magical day of your life.

12. There will be times of frustrations

You are both entitled to your own opinions, and you might not always see eye to eye on the arrangements. The important thing is to compromise and discuss your frustrations rationally.

13. It’s not really your day

There are a lot of people to please when it comes to weddings and you’ll soon realise that it’s everyone else’s day and not yours. Your mum, your dad, your grandmother and your best friend will all have their opinions, but remember to have your own say and ultimately listen to your fiance.

14. Your fiance will become addicted to Pinterest

This one’s more for the boys … Don’t expect to have too many interactions with your future wife in the build up to your big day. She will most likely have her eyes firmly attached to Pinterest, and won’t appreciate you disturbing her.

15. People will expect a baby before long

As soon as you announce your plans to marry, your grandmother will start knitting booties. Be ready to face the question “How long before you start trying?”, even before the wedding has happened. The best response? Just smile, nod, and change the topic as quickly as possible.

by Australian Diamond Brokers : October 7th 2014 Come visit our store or browse our website to find out more.